Sunday, March 11, 2007

Cat House

Not my cat, but this is pretty close to what it looks like

I mentioned in my blog before that I've thought about getting a cat. Well, life found a way to get me one. My brother's girlfriend had a cat who had kittens, and she was looking for people to take them. Given that I'd thought about having a cat, I decided to go for it.

So now I have a little kitty.

It's about 13 weeks old right now. It's a female calico. I think I'm going to name it Cleo. I like the sound of that: Calico Cleo. Sounds like a pirate name. It also gives me an excuse to talk in a Jamaican accent to it as I call it "Miss Cleo."

It doesn't really like me yet, but hopefully she'll get used to the whole situation. On the other hand, I'm always bound by where I can live. This apartment complex allows pets, but what if I have to live somewhere that doesn't? Guess the parents would be getting another feline.

With any luck, it won't come to that. I like cats. They appeal to my innate qualities. They don't require a lot of maintenance. They sit around and do nothing all day. They pretty much just eat and sleep. It's a sweet life.

I'll eventually get a real picture of her and post it on here for those of you who care.


contemplator said...

Ah, Miss Clee-oh! How arr ya now, swee-tart!

That Miss Cleo? Maybe you could add a sidebar link claiming that "Miss Cleo" will help you with your personal fortune online and have a "pay now" button installed. Your cat could raise you some funds for the summer! :D

contemplator said...


Was that not a cacophany straight from HELL in the office today around, oh, 11:00 or so with four or five people screaming in conversation at once?

Jesus, people, my ears are still ringing! That's the closest I've come to ever telling a coworker to shut their stinkin' piehole!!

JP said...

HAHAHA. That's why I ducked out with Vivek. Sorry to leave ya hanging in there. I can't stand it when the MFAs start talking shop like that.

JP said...

Though thinking about it, I suppose the MFAs probably don't care for our bitching about reading.

I'm a uniter not a divider :)

Unknown said...

I told you to name it THUNDERPUSSY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Please do not listen to Dave. I like the name Cleo. Maybe you can train it to attack like Jade attacked you at my apartment (not planned though).

Anonymous said...

I used to love the show Thundercats! I had the pajamas and everything.... wait what am I saying this was just last week I was wearing them, I'm both sad and pathetic :)