Wednesday, December 02, 2009

Another Day at Metropolis University

This is a video clip of a prank some kid pulled in a college lecture. I only wish I had the wherewithal and the showmanship to pull off something like this:

Not only does this guy commit himself to the role (complete with a heroic pose before blasting out the door), but he never once hesitates.

Though I wonder about the guy seen in the foreground as our boy bursts out the back door. He's got his head resting on his fist as though this sort of thing happens every goddamn day. "YAWN! I'll give a shit when it's something unusual."

If it takes more than that to pique his interest, he's going to be living one boring life.

"Three things sell this newspaper: tragedy, sex, and Superman."


Anonymous said...

the blog needs an update and a legitimate one soon before your reading masses lose interest

JP said...

I know. I'm the terrible blogmaster.