Wednesday, September 09, 2009

My Heart is All Atwitter

I'm now on the TWITTER, bitches!!

That's right. I've expanded my hold on the interweb by moving to its OTHER form of completely worthless communication. You can find me at I thought "Undesirablement" would be a cool amalgam of "Undesirable Element"... by which I mean that it meets their 20-character maximum requirement whereas "Undesirable Element" does not. Foiled by linguistics!

I figured I could branch out given how timely and highly viewed my posts are here. Why not give myself something else to do?

"Where is the chase, and how do I cut to it?"


contemplator said...

You have, perhaps, made a tactical error in the "following" category. However, I must say A) kudos on finding him and B) his tweets are hilarious.

JP said...

Tactical error? Oh right. It links to my blog. I should probably get rid of him.

JP said...

Whenever you sign up, Twitter searches your gmail account for any existing Twitter people. I emailed him once, so he was on my contact list.

No results for our apartment friend either.

contemplator said...

Dobbiedawg. ... *snicker*