Saturday, September 19, 2009

Weight Weight... Don't Tell Me!

Reasonable approximation of JP's physique

I'm shoutin' it from the rooftop bitches! As of today, I've lost 100 pounds! I started out at 336 lbs six years ago. Now I'm at 236. That's 17 lbs less than what I was the last time I was bragging about my weight loss and 100 pounds overall. Woot woot!!

Of course it's a completely meaningless figure (unlike my actual figure, which is GORGEOUS!). I didn't even realize the significance of the number until hours after I weighed myself this morning. I still haven't achieved the weight necessary for jumping out of an airplane, and my medically ideal weight is 210. But dammit, I'm proud of myself, and when I'm feeling good about myself, I get to celebrate!

And today is Talk Like a Pirate Day, so I be a slender scalawag ne'er so large as the yardarm of me vessel. Ye be celebratin or ye be feelin the wrath of the keelhaul. Yarr!!

"I'm so hungry I could ride a horse....... I don't get it...... Well, I could ride it to the store I guess."


contemplator said...


Good for you! That's awesome.

JP said...

Thank you both. I appreciate the well wishes.

You do bring up a good point, Batmite. Now that things are turning around, I actually have a life worth living. Dammit! Now I have a responsibility to maintain this mediocre (but now still functioning) existence.

However, both of your comments are invalid, since you posted yesterday and did not phrase your sentences in proper pirate syntax. Ye be disgraceful!