Friday, September 19, 2008

Avast Ye Scurvy Readers!

Yo ho and shiver me timbers, ye landlubbers! I'll bet ye didn't even remember that today (September 19th) be International Talk Like a Pirate Day! Ye be treadin' a mighty slim plank if ye don't heed me warnings. Fill yer talkin' with all manner of pirate lingo today, saavy?

Jewish pirates get ye some bonus points! Ahoy vey!

So find ye some worthy grog, batten down the hatches, and marvel at me urchins, me hearties; else ye be seein' the dark side of Davy Jones' Locker!

Yarrrr!!! Pirates don't waste precious rape and pillage time with italicized conclusions.


JP said...

I have learned that this meme's popularity died out about two years ago. Once again, I am completely behind the popularity curve... even on the internet.

Unknown said...

Not going to lie, I totally forgot it was TLaP Day until about 4PM on Friday. I was really disappointed in myself :(

Anonymous said...

The beauty of being a constant college student--it never dies here. Unfortunately I didn't actually have any classes (that I chose to attend) that day, but I'm sure a handful of people dressed up--they always do.