Sunday, April 27, 2008

Attendance Girl Addendum

As expected, Pima had one final reply:

i havent made any personal attacks, all i was doing was defending my grade in an unfair
situation. Why would i want you to take this to your boss? i just thought that we could
discuss this and come to a fair agreement, but obviously that isn't going to happen.
Thanks anyways.

You've all seen the exchanges now. Don't her comments look like personal attacks to you? Or am I just totally losing it?

Apparently I'm just an asshole... an asshole who's not even going to reply to that message.

4 out of 5 readers feel no sympathy. They know JP to be an asshole at least thrice fortnightly.


contemplator said...

At this point, I would simply reply, "If you still have questions regarding this email exchange or the course policy, we will need to take them to Bossman. You're welcome to appeal your grade at the end of the semester, but such appeals have a 2% success rate here at Crap U. Please do not email me again in regard to this subject, unless it is to request a meeting with said Bossman. I am keeping a hard copy of all of our exchanges, should it become necessary to sit down with him."

The fucking end. Make her think you have a file started on her ass. For godssake, man, pull out your White Person's Business Tone. :D

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

I think the best part of this whole saga is PIMA's abuse of English grammar rules in her emails.

I blame the professor of her English 101 class for this gaffe.

Anonymous said...

As I learned in my time as an RA, people will try and manipulate the rules anyway they seem best to benefit them and eventually it makes everyone else pay, because i'm sure if you teach another english 101 class, you might not be so lenient with the attendance policy, seriously missing 8 classes, there's probably only like 20 classes in the entire semester............

JP said...

I ain't got no problem teaching my yunginns grammar.

As for further action, I don't think any is necessary. I'm not changing her grade, and I think I've made that abundantly clear.

And yea, the abuse of the system blows my mind. If I had it to do all over again, I'd probably go the anal-retentive English teacher route and have them sign a contract at the beginning of the semester stating that they understand and will abide by all the rules and regulations of the class.

I used to think such measures were over the top but apparently not. I can see why some of the teachers do that now.

And this is why I don't want to deal with this job for the rest of my life.

contemplator said...

So--have you seen Pima in class since? How'd that go?

JP said...

Optional conferences are fun. I won't see her again until Friday... unless of course she feels the need for a conference.

Unknown said...

I NEED MORE UPDATES!!! What happens next!?

I think this is completely messed up and funny as balls. I can see you sitting at your screen yelling your ass off.

It seemed like she was saying 'well if you don't fix my grade, then maybe someone should review your personal policies'.

You subsequently called her bluff...good move. The girl obviously doesn't understand what 'absence' means [excused or not].

What a bitch.

And by the way, this all reminds me of someone that we went to high school with. I remember seeing her successfully whine/bitch/moan to teachers many times back in the day. It won't take long to figure out've probably seen her do it, too.

Unknown said...

Now that I think of it, I saw a girl do it in college, too. And it ALWAYS worked for her no matter what the circumstances are. Sure, professors are lenient sometimes depending on the issues, but she got her way.

This makes me think, "is this only a girl thing?" Have you ever seen a guy do this? [question goes to anyone with relevant experience].

contemplator said...

Guys do it too. It's just that the girls seem to be more proactive in voicing that sort of thing. Guys are more like to just shrug and say "Bitch didn't like me." And try again next semester.

I had one guy declare that since I'd told him on one of his papers that it was the best he'd done so far, it must've been an A. I had to point out that his personal best did not necessarily mean that it was A quality--just his best work so far.

I can't help it that the best you'll ever be is below average, dude.

Anonymous said...

"I can't help it that the best you'll ever be is below average, dude."

Best quote posted in awhile. When your best just isn't good enough. Not everyone grows up to be an astronaut, we need janitors, garbage collectors, and fast food workers, to make our society function. College isn't made for everyone, unlike the media would like to portray it is. Everyone moans and gripes that we lose all our manufacturing jobs overseas, maybe part of the reason behind this outside of labor costs, is that we are no longer training qualified individuals to hold these jobs. I say to PIMA take your B minus and shove it straight up your ass, because in life you fail.

contemplator said...

College is totally not for everyone. But don't worry, Pima will probably transition into work as a great bartender at a strip club--those are all B- girls anyway.

Anonymous said...

Pima would make a great cell phone salesperson. She could annoy people in the mall (probably her natural habitat) while attempting to persuade that things that suck and don't work (the reception and life spans of modern cell phones)are something that you should actually buy in bulk, like her stale, overargued hulking load of attendance excuse bullshit. But, I like Contemplator's idea that stripping is an ideal night occupation for Pima. Pima gotta make rent after she gets canned from University life somewhere mid fall semester..unless she's kin to Gov. Manchin...

JP said...

The saddest part is that Pima is actually a good writer, but she doesn't get that you still have to fulfill the requirements of the class. So she'll probably get a real job, but then she'll take a dump in the office trash can every day at 3:00. After all, as long as she's doing the work, what difference does it make?

Unknown said...

How hot is Pima?

