Friday, March 20, 2009

Do Not Frakking Disturb

Tonight is the two-hour Battlestar Galactica series finale. I intend to fully revel in my nerd glory this evening. I will find out if the Scrolls of Pithia indeed predicted that Hera would lead the Twelve Tribes of Kobol to their salvation. I will find out why Earth was inhabited by Cylons. I'll find out why the song "All Along the Watchtower" spans the entire frakking galaxy. And most importantly, I'll discover if Colonel Tigh can be any more badass than he already is.

So because I'm going to be finding the answers to these deep questions that only other fellow basement dwellers with nerdy glasses and an affinity for gun-toting robots can appreciate, I don't want to be disturbed between 9pm and 11:30pm. That's two hours to watch the show, and another half hour to post my delight/disgust throughout various internet forums.

Thank you for your consideration. So say we all.
Do Not Disturb tonight... or Colonel Tigh will fuck up your shit!

Colonel Tigh: The Intergalactic doppleganger of John McCain.


Anonymous said...

Curse your ability to watch the show when it first airs. Us Erie dwellers have to wait to download it before we can bask in our own nerdness.

contemplator said...

And your commentary? Or are you still jerking to it? :D

JP said...

There's no need for commentary. It would only detract from an exquisitely sublime experience and be riddled with spoilers.

If I had to sum it up:
Starbuck pulled a Jesus. Robots got blowed up real good. Earth wasn't really destroyed... that was another Earth. Space travelers decide to go native. Adama channels Lori by losing Laura. "Our" Earth is still primitive when they arrive. The little girl is actually "mitochondrial Eve." 150,000 years in the future, "All Along the Watchtower" plays merrily in Times Square.