Monday, June 09, 2008

Me, Myself, and Eye

This is your eye on drugs... any questions?

I went back to the eye doctor today, and I found out that my eyes still haven't healed. This time, the doc gave me steroid drops that I have to put in my eyes three times a day for the next three weeks.

He assured me that there were no adverse side effects to using steroid drops in one's eyes for a few weeks, but there's still a part of me that wonders if I'm going to end up looking like this:
I personally think that the eye monster above is much cooler, but Aqua Teen Hunger Force demonstrated that having a body made out of eyes could have undesirable repercussions:
What was I talking about? Oh yeah. I have to wear my glasses for another three weeks. Fucking eye doctor!

Editor's Note: Spending two posts writing about my eye irritation may seem unnecessary, but just wait until future posts cover my nose hairs, ear wax, belly button lint, and cuticle crud.


Anonymous said...

The eyeball monster in the top pic - is that from power rangers?

Unknown said...

Yea, 100% sure that's 'Eye Guy'.

JP said...

Hell yes it's the Eye Guy. Because when I think "effective battle monster," I think a man made of eyeballs will do the trick.

contemplator said...

Eyeball problems weird me out. Big time. I actually skimmed over your pics I was so weirded out.

There was an episode of ER where a guy's eye popped out of his head very unexpectedly. I certainly was not ready for it. It grossed me out for weeks. I'm still barely over it.

contemplator said...

In a shocking moment of nostalgia, do you remember this?

5 = Airwolf
4 = Teen Wolf
3 = Virginia Woolf
2 = Beowulf
1 = Wolf Blitzer

Sounds like your experience is very Beowulf.

JP said...

I do indeed. That was a good night when we came up with that. I'm surprised that Virginia Woolf got ranked above Beowulf. Beowulf was far more badass. He didn't need a room of his own to know how to ROCK!

Dammit, I need to get down to Morgantown soon. No one in Kittanning would get that joke.

contemplator said...

Beowulf was supposed to be bad. Have you forgotten OE so quickly!? The reason Virginia Woolf is higher is because the males decided she should rank last, and seeing the women on the bottom again (not something I generally prefer, myself), I asked for and received redress. :D