Monday, October 06, 2008

In the Ayers Tonight

Bill Ayers: Terrorist mastermind or gas station attendant?

According to the media, John McCain and Sarah Palin are ready for a month-long smear campaign against Barack Obama. As Palin so colorfully put it, "The heels are on, and the gloves are off." (Golly gee whiz don'tcha know) As one might imagine, McCain is in no particular hurry to talk about the economy, so he's planning to make personal attacks against Obama. This may sound ridiculously biased as I summarize it, but his campaign actually admitted this in public. They were proud of it. They "want to shift attention away from the economy" and "focus on the character" of Obama.

I don't particularly care about the negative campaigning. Politics is full of character assassinations; it pretty much comes with the territory. But their initial volley about Obama palling around with terrorists irritates me... not because it's sensational, but because McCain and Palin are adamently sticking to this story even though EVERY SINGLE news organization has reported that it's total bullshit.

Allow me to back up for a moment. In the last week, McCain and Palin have both been making much ado about Obama having met Bill Ayers in the past. Bill Ayers is a former 1960s anti-war activist who co-founded the radical left terrorist organization "Weather Underground," which was active in the '60s and '70s. Ayers participated in the bombings of New York City Police Headquarters in 1970, the United States Capitol Building in 1971, and the Pentagon in 1972. As you might be aware, all of these buildings are still there, so you can surmise that his bombs weren't particularly powerful or effective.

In fact, from what I can gather, Ayers and his bunch were about as effective at causing mischief as Dick Dastardly and his crew in Wacky Races. Despite bombing some of the most populated public buildings in the country, Ayers never actually killed anyone. Oh, they certainly caused tens of thousands of dollars in damage, but the entire organization never once killed a person. In fact, the only ones who ever died at the hands of "The Weathermen" were two of their own people as they tried to assemble a nail bomb. These people took their name from a Bob Dylan song for crying out loud. I wouldn't exactly be quaking in my boots over these guys.

Nevertheless, the government doesn't take kindly to having their shit blown up, so they pressed charges against Ayers and his wife, who went undergound for a decade to escape jailtime. When they turned themselves over to federal authorities in 1980, charges against them were dropped due to prosecutorial miscondunct.

This is when the guy really goes off the deep end: he decides to become a college professor. That's right! Billy boy pictured at the top is now a professor in the College of Education at the University of Illinois at Chicago where he holds the honor of "Distinguished Professor." (Again, why can't I get a job??) Ayers has worked for years with the Chicago Mayor's office in shaping the city's school reform program, and he served on the board of directors of The Woods Fund of Chicago, an anti-poverty philanthropic foundation.

Here's where Obama comes in. Barack Obama also served on the board of directors of The Woods Fund of Chicago. As you recall, Obama used to be a community organizer in Chicago. You don't just snub the guy who's essentially driving education reform in your city. It's just not what you do if you're trying to organize a community. The Associated Press along with every major newspaper and news network in the country has reported this stuff, along with the fact that the board met no more than a dozen times between 2000 and 2002 (when Obama and Ayers were on the board together).

Of course, some media organizations are less reliable than others. I can always count on my local news to let me down. A few days ago, WPXI News in Pittsburgh (Channel 11) was ending every segment by saying, "New at 6:00, Sarah Palin is accusing Barack Obama of associating with terrorists!" By the time 6:00 rolls around, they finally get to this segment, and they go on to list the various smear tactics that McCain and Palin are employing without fact-checking a single one!! They don't mention what terrorist she was talking about or the fact that every other news outlet has decided that this accusation is bogus.

Now most politicians when confronted with their obvious bullshit have the common sense to say, "Aw shucks, you caught me," before too many people realize what happened. Or at the very least, they just stop saying it. I'm almost impressed by how adamently McCain and Palin are sticking to this. Palin declared the other day, "The Associated Press is wrong" though she failed to inform the rest of the country which secret sources she was using to refute them, and McCain said, "I don't need lessons in telling the truth to the American people." Their response to being called out on their nonsense is a resounding, "NUH UH!!!" One has to almost admire that kind of stunning bullshit.

I think this is why the election is interesting me so much. The political issues are nice, but the rhetoric of the campaigns and the media sensationalism is what really grabs you by the nuts and makes you go, "Hey, what the hell is going on??" Astute readers will note that I promised not to blog about politics anymore, and in my defense.... it's my goddamn blog, and the election coverage has my knickers in a twist. I suppose the bullshit wouldn't surprise me if I thought McCain was genuinely a slimey and dishonorable guy, but from what I've been able to gather from the internet and old media interviews, McCain used to be a very reputable and decent public servant. It makes me wonder if his "win at all costs" campaign strategy gives him pause at night.

Media analysts have determined that people often only read the headlines of newspapers and news websites (I admit to being guilty of this), so when a headline reads, "Barack Obama linked with terrorist?" or "Palin Associates Obama with Terrorism" your average person doesn't read the rest of the story to find out that the answer to the first headline is "NO" and the end to the second headline is "and she's full of shit." Your friendly Joe Six-Pack (that slovenly saucy All-American home slice we hear so much about) simply files "Obama = Terrorist" into his feeble little brain and goes onto beer number seven.

Stupid people make for great comedy, and politics just shines a bright light onto the best sources of entertainment that money can buy. I certainly don't have a boner for the democrats (that's why I'm registered independent), but they're not making such colorful asses out of themselves like the Republicans are.

Bill Ayers: Less of a threat to national security than Shaggy and Scooby Doo.


contemplator said...

I'm a registered Independent too!

The reason the weathermen didn't kill anybody was because they called beforehand to tell everyone what they were doing and to get out of the building. It was more of a statement, I guess.

Every other politician in Chicago has also had to deal with Ayers, and that includes Republicans.

McCain really shouldn't go there anyway, considering his relationship to the Keating 5. And wasn't Palin the one dithering on about "Doggone it, Joe, there you go again bringin' up the past?" Guess that only applies to your guy's past.

JP said...

It's all part of the "we don't talk to the enemy" bullshit that so many people buy into. Why is it so foreign a concept that politicians and public officials might have to talk with people that they disagree with in order to get shit done? This is the line of thinking when mocking Obama's "negotiating with Iran without preconditions" stance. It's also the reasoning behind McCain not shaking Obama's hand at the end of the debate the other day. God forbid we look like we're trying to get along with someone we disagree with in order to avoid larger conflicts.

Gotta showboat for the fucking world.

Anonymous said...

Stop writing political columns. You really don't know what is going on do you? We're heading towards becoming a socialist nation and that is NOT a good thing. Obama is facilitating that, and will make it happen when elected. McCain isnt helping either.

I hope Obama is elected because they'll never elect a democrat again after he royally fucks up.

JP said...

Always glad to see your glowing praise, The Shit.

I always miss my Shit Stirrer.

Anonymous said...

Are we sick of this shit yet? Vote Libertarian....

contemplator said...

We're heading towards becoming a socialist nation and that is NOT a good thing.

lololol. Socialist paranoia for the win.

Unknown said...

lololol. Socialist paranoia for the win.

Take your Barack blinders off.

Remember, everything has to be fair. In the first video, he is specifically talking about redistribution of wealth (see: socialism). Capitalism be damned!

And then there's the whole issue of universal health care...but we know that is not socialism, right?

God forbid we look like we're trying to get along with someone we disagree with in order to avoid larger conflicts. :-)

JP said...


Redistribution of Wealth: EVERYTHING is a redistribution of wealth. Like say, for example, the government providing money to private consulting firms who then employ computer engineers who live in Maryland. :) Income tax redistributes wealth. Sales tax redistributes wealth. Using government money to fund AIDS research redistributes wealth.

Socialism vs. Capitalism: Contrary to popular belief, the United States has never had a completely free-market economy. You know why? Because it wouldn't fucking work. The market won't simply adjust itself. A completely deregulated and free-market economy would be taken advantage of and abused by people... just like with socialism. Neither one works exclusively. That's why the USSR became corrupt and unmanageable, and that's why certain socialist policies have always been in place within the American economy.

Just because Barack Obama is supporting policies that are consistent with a socialist point of view doesn't mean that our country will be socialist. Lots of countries have universal health care, and they're not socialist.

The Global Poverty Act: I think it's a good idea. The guys in your video link are correct; in this act, none of the money given to the UN would come back to America. As far as I know, this is true.

But what they (and I believe many people) fail to realize is just how globalized the world has become. The poverty issues of some third-world country that no one's ever heard of can come back to bite us in the ass 10 or 20 years from now. Poverty around the world can lead to the spread of diseases to the United States. Global poverty can lead desperate people to join radical hate groups. And on the flip side, strengthened economies around the world provide a wider market for our own goods and services.

That's what I don't understand. People think that the government is just hoarding their taxes and dumping their money into shit that never helps them. When taxes are used for the implementation of responsible programs, EVERYONE'S life improves. (Emphasis on "responsible." Democrats are certainly guilty of throwing money at a problem without implementing the programs properly.) When government money is provided to inner city public schools to improve the education and futures of hundreds of inner-city kids, guess which kids are less likely to turn to crime, drugs, or gang life? And you, as the average middle-class nervous American white dude, will not have as much to fear from inner-city violence.

Full-blown socialism = bad
Full-blown capitalism = just as bad
Capitalism with some socialist programs implemented = stable and reasonable

*JP steps off of his pompous soap box*

Unknown said...

I am fully aware that America is not a full blown capitalist economy, but to equate Obama's 'share the wealth' comment with taxes and the national budget shows political ignorance. I'm sorry.

Take a few minutes to watch the Bill O'Reilly interview with Obama (part 2).,2933,419703,00.html

[Side note: I can hear the grumbling now...O'Reilly...Fox News...conservative pro-Bush network!!! The majority of the media outlets are absolutely in love with Obama and not giving election coverage a fair shake, you cannot deny that. Hear any of the Biden blunders being scrutinized like Palin's? Absolutely not. (How many letters does J-O-B-S have? 3? Chuck Graham, can you stand and count out loud for me?)]

Quote of the interview?
"OBAMA: Bill, I don't like paying taxes. You think I like writing a check? What I believe is that there's certain things we've got to do. And we've got to help people who are having a tough time affording college so they can benefit like we benefited from this great country. People who are have having a tough time; they don't have health care. People who are trying to figure out how they are going to pay the bills. And there are certain things we've got to do. Our infrastructure — look what happened in Beijing. You go to the Olympics and these folks are building, and we've got sewer lines that are crumbling.


OBAMA: And at a certain point, we've got to pay for it."

I've got student loans that I'll be paying till I'm about 40...think I'll see a dime of this redistribution he speaks of? Not a chance. This money is going to go, at the government's discretion, to any one or any group in need of government assistance.

By all means, go on defending him as not being socialist. He's not even hiding the fact that his policies are meant to redistribute wealth to those that don't have, that's the killer. But no one is really caring because America is becoming a society where everyone feels like their entitled to everything just because they live in the country (Canada, Sweden - His policies promote this kind of mentality and I will not support it.

(Nor will I support any of his other economic or social policies *see video*. IE - Taxing big corporations, government provided health care, raising the capital gains tax, etc.)

JP said...

I'm not equating Obama's specific proposals with the tax system, but by paying taxes, every American 'shares the wealth' in a manner of speaking.

And if I may be so bold, why SHOULD you see a dime of that money? As you said, the money is for people who NEED government assistance, and you certainly don't. I don't know your exact income, but I know you do very well for yourself. (Incidentally, though, I believe it's below $250,000 :) )

Of course there are lazy slackasses who mooch off the system and won't find work because the government takes care of them. However, there are also a lot of people who are working two or three jobs just to make ends meet, but because their wages are so damned low, they can't afford to go back to school, pay for health care, send their children to college, or put money in their savings. A lot of workers bust their ass to try to make it, but for various reasons they just can't. People don't fail simply because they're lazy, and people don't succeed simply because they work harder. (Though both situations can be true.)

I do agree that ensuring that every person can go to college is a stupid idea. Colleges are already filled with too many assholes who feel entitled to be there without ever earning the grade. However, if we'd devote more money, time, and energy to improving elementary and pre-kindergarten education programs, every major education study in the last ten years indicates that this would drastically reduce the crime rate and poverty level across the country.

(Incidentally, this is also why I disagree with affirmative action. I certainly think that minorities are treated unfairly in the job market, but trying to change things when they're entering the workforce puts a band-aid on a gushing wound. The focus should be on equalizing education at an early age... not creating mistrust and antipathy in a workplace.)

You can't treat poverty as a punishment and just blame people for not working hard enough to get out of it. Pick up any sociology text book, boss. People below the poverty line often get stuck there for dozens of different reasons.

"Trickle-down" economics simply doesn't work because it doesn't take into account WHO the funds trickle down to. In our globalized economy, if you give a tax break to a mammoth corporation, the logical thing for them to do is to invest in production locations outside the country where labor and materials are cheap. The funds trickle down to other countries... not our own. On the other hand, if you give a tax break to everyone's favorite home slice Joe Six-Pack (or his bald doppelganger Joe the Plumber), Joe's not going anywhere. He uses that money within the American economy. However, it makes economic sense for larger corporations to take their money to the cheapest locales around the world, and they have the means and legal right to do that.

Eliminating poverty helps everyone. If you pull people out of poverty, you open new markets, strengthen your workforce, reduce uninformed financial decision-making, make the country more competitive in the global market, and provide a stronger tax base. You can't just throw money at people forever, but giving a boost to people who can't quite reach the bar helps the entire country.

[Re: Fox News - I know other stations typically have a liberal media bias. Expecting news outlets to be completely unbiased is unreasonable. I don't care if FOX News has a conservative bias, but it's like they go out of their way to be biased. FOX doesn't even look like they're TRYING to be fair. When they polled their viewers after the last debate, 90% of them thought that McCain won (compared to every other network that put the polls somewhere around 50/50). That tells me something about who they're exclusively catering to.]

[However, all news media is bullshit anymore. Everything has to be about ratings. Are you going to hear about important information? Of course not. You'll hear what makes for the best ratings. This has always been true to some extent (newspapers have been competing for centuries), but when news can be written and read instantaneously, the competition (and thus the bullshit) gets more fierce. And that's across the board... including CNN, MSNBC, FOX News, or any of the others.]

P.S. You can disagree with me without calling me "politically ignorant." People can have differing opinions on these things. I know you and I won't see eye to eye on any of this, but I still understand where you're coming from. In any situation, if you believe that your opponent is some sort of ignorant twit for not seeing things your way, you can't get very far. There are valid points on both sides of each argument in this election. Reducing either one to simply "evil and stupid" is not productive.

Now bend over for your spanking. Papa's taking off his belt. :)

Unknown said...

To begin with, my apologies on the ignorance comment. While I agree that people can have differing opinions (and I'm all for that...whatever you wanna do, go for it.), I'm just very against the sharing of wealth. My point was that, from what I read, you compared the sharing of wealth to taxes. Once again, my apologies for the misinterpretation.

Again, my point was that Barack Obama is selling you socialism - he's not lying about it - and this country is eating it up.

Secondly, I'm not asking for money and I don't need it. I'm in position to provide for myself without needing the assistance of others. The point I'm making, if I may be so bold, is why should ANYBODY see a dime of anyone else's money? Because Betty the waitress isn't making a good living *I* should pay for her health care? Why? Really, why? This is the entitlement society that I'm talking about. People work damn hard to get where they're at and you think it's right for them to be (my words) punished if they make more than $250k (I don't believe this, either)? What incentive are people going to have to be successful if the government is going to just take it away and give away indiscriminately (50%)? Giving people money just to 'share the wealth' isn't going to solve a damn thing.

If, in addition, the capital gains tax is raised, what incentive are these folks (or anybody else) going to have to invest in the stock market? 0 - and that's *not* good when you're in a recession.

In a utopian society, you can eliminate poverty. Great. I'm well aware that those among the poverty stricken are those that are disadvantaged to begin with and will (most likely) continue to be disadvantaged. But this DOESN'T mean that I have to help dig them out, does it?

The whole business tax's more complicated than giving them tax breaks. Bottom line is that these places need to be rewarded for creating jobs in America and punished for sending shit over-seas, that's a no brainer. But to just tax the shit out of them to cover government spending is ludicrous. They're just going to turn around and mark up prices and pass that tax on to the consumer. Do you think this is a good idea during a recession?

Take from the rich, give to the poor.

[With regard to your other poverty point....I'm not arguing with you here, I'm just confused about it--- are you saying that "yea, I'm OK with giving them money, but only for a short period of time"?]

Media Quiz:
Name one other Conservative leaning TV network besides Fox News.
Name every other TV network.
What percent of American television is NOT broadcasting both sides of this election?

If you want to talk about networks not even trying to be fair, turn on MSNBC and watch Keith Olberman or Chris Matthews.

Did you know the NBC did a story where they interviewed one of the prison masters that kept John McCain when he was in Vietnam and then tried to pass off his story as the 'correct version' (including how John was never tortured)?

Mass media is pushing THEIR top-down agenda on America and a lot of people are too ignorant (not you) to go and grab more information from outside sources. Please take a minute out to go and research the liberal media bias in's not just some illusion. This is why I watch's NOT left-leaning, spank-Bush, ra-ra Obama TV all the time.

I really don't even know if I hit every point...but I tried. I'm kinda tired...I'll reread tomorrow and post more.

[Spank me all you want, it only makes me love you more :)]

JP said...

I, sir, have no job, no girlfriend, and no bedtime. Prepare for a late-night round-house kick of awesome!

I'll admit my ignorance on capital gains tax. I looked it up, read for awhile before my eyes glazed over and gave up. I have manatee porn to masturbate to goddamn it!

If everyone kept their own money for himself or herself, nothing would ever get done. Your tax money goes to fund everything from cancer research to soup kitchens to road maintenance to maintaining an embassy in French Guyana. As far as I understand (admittedly, my political knowledge is limited when economics come into play), Obama proposes to tax the wealthy more than anyone earning under $250,000. He's not Robin Hood. He's not going to gather up all the money of the rich and start writing checks to poor people.

In practice, of course, the money from the taxes goes toward programs that benefit poor people because... well... rich people don't need government assistance for things. A lot of things the government spends money on may never affect you directly. You may never get cancer in your life, but your tax dollars go to fund that research. You may make enough money in your life to save up for your retirement, but the social security program is there in case you don't. You may be able to send your kids to college on your own dime... or you might need to make use of FAFSA, which is funded by your friendly tax dollars.

And I know your ass is never going to French Guyana. Guess we better stop spending your tax dollars on any embassies that Dave's not planning to use! :)

Now when I say people in poverty, I don't mean the guys in Ford City who occupy a little project that is relatively livable. I mean the dank, unsanitary, barely habitable cesspools that pass for apartments in most cities. There are people in this country who live in absolute squalor. Community help groups and donations can only go so far. It takes federal funding to make real progress anywhere.

Hell, let's take a personal example. Look at the shithole schools in Kittanning. Can we both agree that the Kittanning and Ford City High Schools need MAJOR renovation? (Or ideally, just torn down and replaced with a single school.) Well, the vast majority of households in Armstrong County don't have children in school. That's why we had to go to a school with a leaky ceiling and teachers who had us read the goddamn Leader Times every Friday. No one wants to pay to fix a problem that doesn't affect them directly. (This is, of course, an imperfect microcosm of the situation, but it's the same basic principle.)

People are selfish pricks. They're not going to step up on their own to help anyone.

And then there's health care. Do you have any idea how hard it is to get health care when you don't work for a company that doesn't automatically provide it? Let's say... if one's parents are self-employed? Do you know how many years of my life were spent uninsured? And even now, if I don't get a job that provides health care, I've learned that I'm going to have a damned hard time getting health insurance. You know why? Because when I was six years old, I had viral meningitis. That makes me a high health risk. Fuck me for being sick.

50% of Americans don't have health care. FIFTY PERCENT!! You think they're all just not working hard enough? There are millions of people in this country living with illnesses that are totally treatable because they can't afford to go to the doctor. In every town and city in America, we've decided that the police and fire department will respond to any emergency no matter what because we all agree that we don't want people getting shot or burned to death. You don't pay personally for their services when they help you specifically. We want to ensure the safety of our friends, family, and neighbors. But if someone gets sick or injured, we say, "Tough luck, Jack! Hope you could afford health insurance!"

As for the media... fuck em all. I have no love for any of them. MSNBC and FOX News are pretty close to both sides of the bias, and I don't care for either of them. They both just want to milk any goddamn controversy or disaster for all it's worth. That's why the talking heads on these news shows are always these people with extreme viewpoints. Two people rationally discussing an issue makes for boring TV viewing. Get Bill O'Reilly and Al Franken in a room together (Sean Hannity and Rachel Maddow are also acceptable) and watch the ratings soar! It's all a spectacle now. I've found that the best source of information anymore is Wikipedia because conservatives and liberals both update the damn thing.

I just don't like that FOX News. Must be the closet-nudist poetry-reading hippie in me. He was mighty tasty. :)

The ball is passed to you goodly conservative bed buddy.

Anonymous said...

Why should anybody else get access to "YOUR" money??? How about to go towards our need to gain independence from foreign oil and the development of RENEWABLE energy resources, cancer research, progressivism, etc... "YOUR" money doesn't simply contribute to offering government assistance to lazy, unmotivated, poor people.

"People work damn hard for their money." Yes they do, and those who are true rags to riches stories understand what it was like to be at the bottom and it makes their rise to the top that much more fulfilling. Perhaps these people are less opposed to paying their share. Do you think Paris Hilton worked hard for her money?

How bout those struggling moms and dads out there who work two or three part-time jobs to support their families but have no health insurance? Or what about the "unskilled" laborers out there who bust their ass every day? Keep that in mind next time those of us who sit in our cushy office jobs goofing around most of the day wanna declare that we work SOOO hard for our money.

"It is regrettable that many personal fortunes are made by people who simply manipulate money and contribute nothing to their society."

Then there are others who bitch about raising capital gains taxes...