Monday, November 12, 2007

Customization Fascination

Bob Kelso replies to complaints about substantive updates

In the last six hours, I've altered the appearance of this blog at least four times. I stumbled across Blogger's "Template Customization" feature, and it's proven to be quite the time waster. Between this and the Law & Order: Criminal Intent marathon that was on this evening, I managed to completely avoid my work. Thank you Blogger!

I'm not convinced that this the final format, so I may change it again. Give me the power to change colors, fonts, and shapes, and I'll be a happy little tech-savvy procrastinator for quite some time. I really like the color scheme right now - very Superman-esque. I'll see what else I can play with.

It's not your enjoyment I'm worried about; this is just the four year old in me that's fascinated with pretty colors.

UPDATE: Yep, I changed it about five minutes after I initially posted this... God damn, I need to get laid.

Customization Features - Endorsing style over substance for the last ten years.

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