Saturday, November 10, 2007

Dopplegangers of the Mushroom Kingdom

What's the deal with Wario? Where did this tubby mustachioed menace come from? Common sense would seem to indicate that he's Mario's evil doppleganger, but the two seem to cooperate in casual sports and games on many occasions. Wario will drive a kart, play tennis, or even just play a board game with the gang. This doesn't make sense if he's a simple nemesis, but perhaps he's also Mario's brother. They sure do look alike... except for the huge schnoz on Wario's face. Maybe Papa Mario would drink a lot after work and then smack Wario in the face a few times. That would explain the big nose and the surly disposition. Mario and Luigi were doubtlessly upstairs investigating their own plumbing.

Then you've got the recently introduced Waluigi, Luigi's evil doppleganger. He pops up in all the Mario Kart and Mario Party games. He looks like a cross between Wario and Dick Dastardly. Wikipedia claims that Wario and Waluigi are brothers, but there was no mention of any relation between them and Mario and Luigi. If these two brotherly pairs aren't related, that has to be one hell of a coincidence. Sort of like Alvin and the Chipmunks and their suspiciously similar-looking love interests, the Chipettes.

Personally, I think this should all be settled in the Mushroom Kingdom version of Maury. Maury would have the DNA tests on this settled over a commercial break. I guarantee that Mama Mario stepped out with that Frog King from Super Mario 2 on at least one occasion. It could be billed as a special paternity test episode that also features the seven motherless children of Bowser.

The other possibility is that Wario IS the aforementioned abusive and alcoholic Papa Mario. In fact, that would explain a great many things. Mama Mia!

Super Mario Galaxy comes out in two days, so my final two papers will be given the shaft as I play this game for hours on end over Thanksgiving break.

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