Monday, November 12, 2007

Thanksgiving Triple Fowl

I was in the Rec Center this afternoon, and as I was changing in the locker room, I overheard an old man with two canes telling these two guys about his Thanksgiving plans. Apparently their crippled companion fancies himself to be quite the chef. He was regaling them with tales of the elaborate feast that he was planning to make for his family next week. The centerpiece of this dinner is to be, as he put it, "a turkey stuffed with a duck stuffed with a chicken."

My first reaction should have been, "Blleeechhh! That's like a triple-play culinary sodomy!" but instead I was thinking, "Hmmmm.... fill that with some melted cheddarjack cheese and I'll bet that would be delicious!"

The man's description intrigued me, and while I was searching for an appropriate image for this post, I discovered that he didn't make this thing up. It's an actual dish called (I hope you're ready for this) the Turducken. Apparently, it was either invented in France or Louisiana quite some time ago. All three birds must have their bones removed and then you pretty much stuff each bird into another, with layers of stuffing in between.

Again, this should get my gag reflex going, but it actually sounds like the tastiest thing I've ever heard of.

According to this website, you can actually order a ready-to-go turducken by mail. Turduckens cost about $50-$60, but the shipping cost for sending it overnight in dry-ice is what costs the most. In fact, it costs more than the turducken. Turducken shipping will run you at least a hundred bucks.

I'm not sure if I can afford to make a turducken, but if anyone wants to do it, I better be the first person on your invite list.

By the way, I'm also well aware of the irony of this triple-bypass-bird dish being discussed in the gym locker room. I considered it extra incentive to literally run that extra mile.

Three out of four readers are now inexplicably craving Turducken.


Unknown said...

I have wanted to try turducken for years (yes I've known about it for that long). I say, that at the next get-together, we whip one up. Or, stuff one up, whichever you prefer.

contemplator said...

Turducken seems like something only a sadist would come up with. A meal the Marquis de Sade would have for dinner...

JP said...

Megan: Turduckens don't come cheap, but that doesn't mean that I'm not still curious.

Contemplator: Our bearded friend in Old English says that it's the most delicious thing ever, so maybe there's something to it.

Anonymous said...

though i doubt you would understand the source, still good.
The Sarge version of the turduckin:
in order:
-Cornish hen
-bigger turkey
-Boeing 747

of course if cooked at 350 degrees at 10 min. a pound, it wouldn't be done for 11 years. so it may be necessary to deep fry.
*leopard for presentation*

(note, paraphrased from red vs blue)

JP said...

Of course I know what the reference is! No one else I know has been this obsessed with a competition between Red and Blue since the last election.

Unknown said...

You need a new post...soon. I'm getting grossed out looking at that turducken every time I load up the page.


contemplator said...

Yes, but our bearded friend may or may not have worn assless chaps on his recent bike ride to Mississippi. So maybe it's still a sadist meal?