And yet I watched the Super Bowl this year.
Of all the sports, I actually kinda like watching football. Granted, if I'm not with anyone else, I'll seldom watch. Internet porn provides the more attractive draw (and after the last two posts, I have to salvage the remnants of my masculinity somehow). However, there's something about football that I really like. I think it's that every part of the game counts. In basketball and hockey, the game goes back and forth in a seemingly endless cycle, with the only interesting bits occurring near the end. Baseball is too slow (though my one friend will tell me I just don't understand that it's a game of anticipation).
Thus bringing me to Super Bowl XLII. I didn't really care about most of the game since the Steelers weren't in it, and as I said, I don't know much about football. I have, however, been following the news well enough to know that the New England Patriots had an undefeated season in both the regular and post-season. They've also won three Super Bowls in four years. I sense a team that brings a whole new meaning to the word "egocentric."
And the center of the Patriots' little monopoly on victory was their quarterback Tom Brady. Words like "perfection" and "destiny" were being tossed around on the news. I may not be a religious man, but even I know that impersonating a deity earns you a huge ass-kicking from irate other-worldly beings. It seemed like all over television, Tom Brady was being treated like God. Not even "a" god - like Apollo or Thor or something - but I think Brady was being compared to THE God... at least by people from Boston, who are already way too full of themselves as it is (JP awaits comments from a random Bostonian reader).
I love rooting for someone to take down people like that. I can't stand it when people think that they're "destined" to succeed. There's no such thing as destiny... only bad karma with the Morgantown traffic authority.
While I wasn't going to be all that upset if the Patriots won, I was still quietly rooting for the Giants. The Giants even have Eli Manning, who always seems to be treated like the pale imitation of Peyton Manning. He was like the Robin to Peyton's Batman. The Giants also had some mammoth guy named Justin Tuck on their defense, who finally gives my first name some manly props by sacking Tom Brady several times (as opposed to that squirrel-fucker Justin Timberlake, who does nothing but associate the name "Justin" with metrosexuality).
The fourth quarter was actually pretty exciting. All the way down the last second, I was convinced that somehow Tom Brady was going to pull off some crazy pass to win the game. I'm glad they didn't. A team that overconfident needs to be brought down a few pegs. I'll admit that they're a solid team that plays well, but no team needs to be described as "perfect." Fuck that shit.
And Bill Belichick looks like a douchebag. I don't know why, but something about that guy just SCREAMS "I also serve to clean women's crotches."
Congratulations Super Bowl XLII. I actually cared more about the game than the commercials in between. That's a first.... Though I did like the FedEx commercial with the giant pigeons. That was pretty choice.
The New York Giants: I'd be happier for them if New York wasn't filled with egocentric sports fans too.
Fuck Boston.
Fuck the Patriots.
Fuck the Bruins.
Fuck the Celtics.
Fuck the Red Sox.
Fuck Texas?
Dammit, David beat me to it.
But it bears repeating. Fuck Texas.
I rationalized watching the game as cheering for the Patriots to lose rather than the Giants to win.
The Giants are pretty bad themselves, with "I don't want to play there" Cry baby Eli. (Who names there kid Eli anyways? besides the Amish of course) You also have Tom Coughlin, who I haven't cared for since his days with the Jagoffs and then you have "I majored in communications at Michigan State" Dropsico Burress. I about cried when Green Bay lost to them a-holes.
Thou hast been tagged. Visit the blog to find out why....
Yarble garble yarble garble!
Hey! I heart Justin Timberlake.
Coltsrl: Dave and Contemplator have the right idea... FUCK TEXAS!
I can't believe I missed that one myself.
Joe: Your personal investment in football games never ceases to amaze me. If the Steelers had lost the Super Bowl a few years back, someone would have had to put you on suicide watch.
Contemplator: I fear what I may find in the books that I have not read.
Aardvark Man: Marry me!
MellonCollie: And if you were a guy, that would make you totally gay. :)
Dude, I'm not asking you to read the whole damn book! I'm asking you to turn to page 123...
Update your blog! It entertains me. Or write a book.
Contemplator: I know, but I still fear what's in those tomes. Turning to page 123 could produce a line about a chafing cheesemonger's chubby.
The Shit: Updates forthcoming. I've been busy pretending to grade and such things.
Yours Truly,
The JP
He called himself the JP!
Apparently The Shit can read my mind, because I was preparing to comment on your calling yourself "The JP" until I scrolled down a bit further. Although, I guess I just commented on it anyway. Oh well.
~The Brent, for I am obviously the greatest Brent among all people named Brent
I tried to get "the contemplator" as my blog handle, but someone had already taken it. sigh.
Oh, and JP, where's my pie?!
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