Wednesday, April 15, 2009

When You Wish Upon a Star Trek

Easter? Done and done!
Tax Day? Fuhgetaboutit!
The next important day to mark in your calendar is May 8, 2009: The premiere of the new Star Trek movie.

Paramount has released several clips that each show about a minute of footage from the new movie. In this first clip, Kirk smooth-talks Uhura in a bar and promptly offends several burly ruffians. I like to think that in his own mind, this is how William Shatner sees himself in real life:

In this next clip, Dr. McCoy (Bones) meets Kirk and starts bitching about the dangers of space. It even features the old standby of having a random disease/drink/food named after an entire species. In this case, we get a brief mention of "Andorian shingles":

Just once I want to hear some Klingon bitching to his buddies about getting the Earth Clap while drinking Terran Soda.

Finally, we have a scene on the bridge of the Enterprise where Kirk and Scotty are being brought in by guards to be questioned by "acting captain" Spock. J.J. Abrams is clearly a fan of the lens flare:

And just as an added bonus and because this movie is going to give me a geek-gasm, here's the most recent trailer for the movie:

I've managed to keep this blog free of my anticipation for this movie, but now with less than a month to go, I may start to slip. Ye of weak nerdic constitution would be advised to use caution when visiting.

"What does God need with a starship!?"

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