Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Tales of Astounding Nothingness

I don't know if you've noticed or not, but I feel that the quality of my blog posts has been slipping in the last few months. There are likely those among you who feel that there has been no change in quality - that I have sucked since the beginning. That's a valid argument, so I won't disagree. I suppose I could chalk that up to lack of talent, but I prefer a much simpler (and less self-effacing) explanation:

My life is boring.

I sometimes feel like I've run out of stories to tell. Here is a typical day:
7:00 - Alarm goes off
7:30 - JP actually wakes up
8:30 - JP works out for an hour
10:00 - JP goes to work
10:00 - 4:30 - JP spends hours on end typing old sermons into Microsoft Word
5:00 - Dinner
6:00 - 8:00 - Waste time watching TV
8:00 - 9:00 - Make some feeble attempt to work on my online course or perhaps enjoy other sinful pleasures of the internet
9:00 - 10:00 - Either read or watch some other mind-numbing TV
11:00 - 12:00 - Daily Show and Colbert Report
12:00 - Bed
12:00 - 7:00 - Dreams of one day rising to the level of mediocre success

And so it goes. Sometimes if I'm feeling really ambitious, I'll do some writing for the secretive fiction project that I'm working on. (I'm convinced maybe 5 people read this blog anymore, so admitting that won't affect much.) And then there's the Firemen's Band, and while there's plenty of drunken revelry to be had, nothing blog-worthy ever really happens there.

I'm not really bored like I was last summer. I'm just boring. I have plenty of stuff to keep me occupied, but it's the same stuff over and over again. I don't mind the repetition, but a tangential result of my humdrum life is that I have no fun tales of interest to tell in real life or on this blog. When I was teaching, I never knew what sort of bizarre, self-serving, wholly-stupid things my students would get into, so that was always a reliable source of entertainment.

Granted, I could always just repeatedly blog about the strange attitudes of Mr. and Mrs. Employer or the rampant and stupid belief in Ayn Rand's Objectivism that seems to permeate the Firemen's Band, but that could become dull and tedious rather quickly. I've given some consideration to dedicating my time to more fictional posts such as The Once and Future JP, Reader Mail, or my weeks-long Presidential Run. That last one was particularly fun.

Once school starts back up in the fall, I'm sure I'll have plenty of stories about returning to "graduate school" and student teaching. Until then, I have to give some thought to what I want to blog about. Bear with me. The part of your brain that appreciates that perfect blend of high-brow entertainment and poop jokes will thank you.

"Go to beige alert... and tell my wife I said, 'Hello.'"


KP said...

You may have some good material after the celebration in a couple weeks. Especially as the evening progresses... just make sure I'm not used as any subject matter LOL.

JP said...

Haha. No promises. :)

Anonymous said...

You're not giving yourself enough credit! You at least maintain some sort of schedule. You could be sitting around on the couch all day, eating bags of Doritos and salt & vinegar potato chips while watching Family Feud and Dr. Phil.

Not that I ever do that.

Oh, and by the way, it seems like you're sticking to a good sleep schedule. Seems like it's changed significantly compared to the one you maintained while in grad school!


JP said...

The new sleep schedule is a relatively new phenomenon. I started working out in the mornings instead of after work, which encourages an early wake-up and early bedtime. Before that, I was dragging my ass out of bed at 9:30 and going to sleep at 3am... just like grad school.

And if there's something wrong with watching game shows and eating S&V Chips... I don't want to be right! :)

contemplator said...

Don't make another Presidential bid. Your own brother won't vote for you.

But yeah, that was a good time!